What Is Metaverse as a Service (MaaS)?

Software as a Service or SaaS refers to a subscription-based model for using software platforms rather than purchasing a lifetime or perpetual license. The term first appeared in a 1985 United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) filing and became popular in the cloud era. Today, nearly everything can be deployed on an ‘as-a-Service’ model, […]

Facebook’s Developing Reactions for Reels

The option would provide more capacity to respond to short-form videos in the app.

YouTube Adds New Live Stream Features, Including Live Guests, Full-Screen Mode and More

The new features are similar to those in other live-stream options.

Instagram Launches ‘Black Perspectives’ Program to Highlight Black Creators in the UK

The program aims to provide more support for creators from marginalized communities.

Twitter Tests Spaces Audio Clips to Maximize Content Creation and Sharing from Audio Broadcasts

The option will provide another way to get more out of your Spaces broadcasts.

Population: One Metropolis Update Available Now, New Details Revealed

The Metropolis update for Population: One is available now, with an entire new section of the map and a new game mode to highlight it.

Polyarc On What Project Cambria’s Eye And Face-Tracking Could Bring To Moss

We spoke to Polyarc about where eye and face-tracking in headsets like Cambria could take Moss in the future.

Why Brands Believe Their CX is Better Than It Really Is

Five-star reviews. Customer opinion surveys. Testimonials. Net Promoter Scores. We all want to know how much someone likes our brand, product, service, experience, us. ?  Most any organization with a marketing person wants to know how good — or lacking — their customer satisfaction level is. Did the customer’s experience live up to the expectation? […]

The post Why Brands Believe Their CX is Better Than It Really Is appeared first on Content Marketing Consulting and Social Media Strategy.

VR’s Most Popular Battle Royale Just Got Its Biggest Map Ever

POPULATION: ONE (2020), VR’s most popular battle royale, just got an update across all supported platforms that includes the game’s largest map to date, which comes along with a few other cyberpunk goodies. Called ‘Metropolis’, the new map promises to let you fight across a neon megacity, replete with a nightclub, fortress, gun store, and […]

The post VR’s Most Popular Battle Royale Just Got Its Biggest Map Ever appeared first on Road to VR.

Russian Trio Launches on Express Trip to Station

Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev, Denis Matveev, and Sergey Korsakov are safely in orbit on the Soyuz MS-21 spacecraft after launching at 11:55 a.m. EDT from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan (8:55 p.m. Baikonur time). The Soyuz will dock to the station’s Prichal module at 3:05 p.m. About two hours after docking, hatches between the Soyuz …