Category: News from the web
News from various tech sites, space, animals and more!
HTC Debuts Reign Core Portable 5G at MWC 2022
Introducing Our Judges for the XR Awards 2022
What Can You Do in the Metaverse?
How Can I Buy Land in the Metaverse?
New Study Looks at the Role of Social Media in Employer Branding [Infographic]
Have you considered the role that your broader social media presence plays in employer branding?
New Study Looks at How Social Media Users are Responding to eCommerce Integrations [Infographic]
The study provides insights into how people feel about the latest eCommerce integrations within social apps, based on over 14k respondents.
New Report Looks at Representation and Gender Diversity in Social Platform Leadership [Infographic]
All the major social platforms have made commitments to equality – but how are they currently placed?
Meta’s NPE Group Releases New App Focused on Managing To-Do Lists
The app will be the fourteenth experimental release from Meta’s NPE team.
Zenith Shares Look At Upcoming Legendary Armor Set
Vox Machinae Graphics Comparison: Quest 2 Vs PC VR
It’s like Real Steel, just with no Hugh Jackman.