Category: News from the web
News from various tech sites, space, animals and more!
8th Wall, Ready Player Me Unite for Avatar Solution
Tallinn’s GUILD Atelier Enters Fashion Metaverse
How Is VR Transforming Design?
YouTube Adds New Shorts Shelf in Channel Listings, Continuing its Push on Short-Form Content
The update adds another element to YouTube’s push on using short-form content as a supplement for your main channel.
Snapchat Launches New Ticketmaster Map Layer to Help Connect Users with Events
A new way to discover entertainment options via Snapchat.
Meta Announces New Mission Statement as it Looks Towards the Metaverse Future
Meta’s new mission statement puts more focus on moving fast once again, as it looks to develop the infrastructure of the metaverse.
Twitter Expands New ‘Safety Mode’ Auto-Block Option to More Users
Twitter’s new Safety Mode could be a simple way to avoid the psychological impacts of ‘Cancel Culture’.
Drums Rock Smashes Onto App Lab For Quest On February 17
Become An Intergalactic Bartender In Startenders For Quest, PSVR Next Month
$2700 Linux Standalone Headset With i7 Chip Ships ‘No Earlier Than Q4’
Preorders are available for $2699 with a “no earlier than Q4” shipping target.