‘STRIDE’ for Quest Review – Not Exactly ‘Mirror’s Edge’ in VR and That’s Okay

STRIDE has been in early access for SteamVR headsets for nearly a year, but now Oculus Quest owners can take a crack at the free running action, which effectively replicates a few ideas from the parkour-style platformer Mirror’s Edge (2009) and translates them pretty well into VR. Stride’s single player modes are fun arcade affairs which offer just […]

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12 Major New Features Quest Has Received Since Launch

Since its launch in 2019 Oculus Quest has represented a major shift in Facebook’s VR strategy by moving away from the PC. Quest 2, which launched in October 2020, has become the most popular VR headset on the market. Sensing traction, the company has been aggressively updating the headsets with new features, making them better […]

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Science, Spacewalk Work During U.S. Resupply Ship Preps

The Expedition 65 crew was multi-tasking today working on everything from physics research to U.S. spacesuits to cargo transfers from Russia’s new science module. Meanwhile, Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus space freighter is on track to resupply the International Space Station next week. Station Flight Engineers Megan McArthur and Thomas Pesquet were back on science duty today …

Facebook Launches Redesigned Settings Layout to Make it Easier to Find Each Element

The new layout is designed to better align with how users look to update their in-app preferences.

Twitter Shares New Insights into the Rising Gaming Discussion on the Platform [Infographic]

The data underlines the growing influence of gaming culture, and engagement around such via tweets.

YouTube Tests New Insights Around ‘Evergreen’ Videos in Studio Analytics

The new insights aim to provide more insight into traffic drivers on your YouTube channel.

Facebook Hosts First-Ever Paid Film Premiere, Which Could Point to New Distribution Opportunities

The move could see Facebook become a new distribution channel for filmmakers to consider.

Editorial: Oculus Quest 2 Is Becoming A VR Personal Computer

Android app multitasking on Oculus Quest 2 is a big step on the path to VR fulfilling its promise as the next personal computing platform.

New Song In The Smoke Clips Show Combat, Hunting And More

We still don’t have a Song in the Smoke release date, but we do have plenty of new gameplay clips!

Stride Story Mode, Quest Multiplayer Still Planned

Stride launches on Quest this week with three modes, but its Story and Multiplayer options are still to come.