Windows 11 No Longer Supports Microsoft’s Windows VR Headsets Following October Update

Microsoft revealed last year it had plans to pull the plug on support for its entire WMR platform on Windows. Now, with the launch of Windows 11 2024 Update yesterday, those VR headsets have essentially been bricked. Initially kicked off in 2017, Microsoft was well positioned to make Windows a home to a fleet of PC VR headsets, which […]

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‘Hitman 3 VR: Reloaded’ Studio XR Games Lays Off Majority of Staff

XR Games, the Leeds, UK-based studio known for Hitman 3 VR: Reloaded (2024) and Zombieland VR: Headshot Fever (2021), have laid off a reported 86 percent of its staff. The information was shared by María Fernanda Díez Huerta via LinkedIn, who was Head of Production at XR Games from 2021 – 2023. Huerta reported on Tuesday the […]

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Refurbished Quest 3 on Amazon is the Headset’s Best Deal Yet

In an effort to reposition the price ladder for its flagship headset, Meta is aiming to get the 128GB model of Quest 3 out the door for good. A new refurbished Quest 3 deal on Amazon is the best we’ve seen yet. Amazon US is currently selling a refurbished Quest 3 (128GB) for $380 and the […]

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Dragon Operations and Space Science Fill Station’s Midweek Schedule

Dragon spacecraft operations are underway aboard the International Space Station as a new crew gets up to speed with life in microgravity and another crew turns its attention toward returning to Earth. Amid the crew swap activities, advanced space biology research continued apace on Wednesday exploring unique phenomena impossible to achieve in Earth’s gravity environment. …

7 Reasons to Invest in XR Security and Data Privacy This Year

XR security has long been an overlooked concept in the emerging landscape of immersive technologies. It’s easy to forget just how exposed your data can be when you’re interacting with mixed and augmented reality content or traversing the metaverse. However, as demand for extended reality grows across all industries, so too do associated threats. While […]

The Building Blocks Towards Certified XR Training

The XR adoption journey in enterprise will remain a hot topic for many years to come. Currently, the XR adoption curve is still early in its development. While many businesses and sectors champion AR/VR/MR solutions via a range of usages, there exist many emerging considerations for companies to understand every stage of XR deployment. Integrating […]

Microsoft Announces “Last Time to Buy” for HoloLens 2 and Final HoloLens Gen 1 Update

This week, reports are circulating on social media platforms such as Linkedin highlighting how Hololens/Microsoft Mixed Reality Partners are receiving “last time to buy” incentives for the Hololens 2 device while also noting that first-generation HoloLens devices will soon receive a final update. Regarding the HoloLens 2, Microsoft is reportedly announcing a “last time to […]

How to Compare XR Data and Security Solutions

Extended Reality (XR) technologies offer considerable benefits to companies looking to enhance productivity, collaboration, efficiency, and customer service. However, as the adoption of these technologies grows, concerns about XR data governance and security are increasing. XR solutions, from mixed reality headsets to metaverse environments, rely on vast volumes of highly sensitive data. Without the right […]

Who’s Going To Win the AR Wearables Race?

A look at the next wave of AR glasses and which will win out with consumers.

New brands jump at endorsement deals with influencers, celebrities: study

Cosmetics and skincare brands are the leading category for endorsement deals, followed closely by non-athletic apparel and footwear.