Category: News from the web
News from various tech sites, space, animals and more!
Quest Developers Can Now Share Pre-Release Apps & Closed Betas Via URL
Hands-On: UNDERDOGS Shows Promising Gritty Mech Combat
Our full preview:
Paradiddle Drums Up A Full Release On Quest This November
Testing the Limits of Branding: What It Can Fix and What It Can’t
Warren Buffett, investor and philanthropist, understood both the power and the fragility of brand: “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently,” he famously said. And while a reputation is hard won, it’s hard-working too: Whether you’re building a passionate […]
The post Testing the Limits of Branding: What It Can Fix and What It Can’t appeared first on Convince & Convert.
HTC is Sending a VR Headset to the ISS to Support Astronaut Mental Health

The post HTC is Sending a VR Headset to the ISS to Support Astronaut Mental Health appeared first on Road to VR.
Astronauts Complete Spacewalk, Dragon Launch Moves to Nov. 7
How to Properly Protect Client Confidentiality
Client confidentiality is an essential aspect of any professional relationship. Be it in the fields of medicine, law, finance or any other industry that deals with sensitive information, protecting client confidentiality is crucial. Clients trust…read more
The post How to Properly Protect Client Confidentiality appeared first on Social Media Explorer.