IGS 2023: Orlando, the Home of XR Innovation

What a way to kick off Immerse Global Summit (IGS) 2023! This year is more significant than ever thanks to deep event partnerships, which boost IGS 2023 by showcasing local innovative technology talents from Orlando, Florida, while also bringing together some of the best international minds and companies in the AR/VR/MR space.   For 2023, […]

IGS 2023: Introducing the Visor Headset for Immersive Productivity

Watch on YouTube. XR Today’s Rory Greener speaks with Caleb Trees, Director of Operations and Recruitment at Immersed, at Immerse Global Summit 2023 in Orlando, Florida. In this interview, we discuss the following: Introducing the Visor headset and the device’s place in a busy 2024 market. Behavioural considerations for deploying productivity hardware. Potential benefits for […]

IGS 2023: Will XR Democratise Patient Care?

Watch on YouTube XR Today’s Rory Greener speaks with Dr Linda Ciavarelli, Co-Founder of HouseCall VR, at Immerse Global Summit 2023 in Orlando, Florida. In this interview, we discuss the following: What is democratized health care, and how does XR assist in promoting accessible healthcare? How does XR improve patient care and experiences? What unique opportunities […]

Google’s Project Iris Receives New Smart Glass Feature, Reports Say

Rumours of renewed work on Google’s Project Iris augmented reality (AR) smart glasses have surfaced on the internet, according to reports. News of the resurgence comes after the tech giant reportedly ceased work on the massive project in June this year, indefinitely shuttering its head-mounted display (HMD) ambitions. Originally, Google acquired technologies from North, an […]

Snap Partners with Education Providers on New AR Lesson Elements

The new project will see Snap AR element integrated into STEM courses.

YouTube Announces New Initiatives to Help Amplify Authoritative News Sources in the App

YouTube’s got two new initiatives to help improve news engagement in the app.

X’s Latest Experiment Will Charge New Users $1 To Engage in App

X is looking to charge all new users, as part of its expanding efforts to combat bot armies.

TikTok Highlights Parenting Content in New ‘Parents of TikTok’ Campaign

TikTok’s looking to highlight its value to parents.

The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR Horde Mode Is Live On PSVR 2

Horde Mode is now live in The Dark Pictures: Switchback VR on PSVR 2.

Phasmophobia Faces Indefinite Delay On PSVR 2

Phasmophobia is indefinitely delayed on consoles and PSVR 2.

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