Virtual Desktop Reverts Internet Requirement Following Backlash

Virtual Desktop no longer requires an internet connection each session following backlash from customers.

Meta: Retinal Resolution Is ‘On Our Product Roadmap’

Meta says it’s “developing high-density displays and high-resolution optical systems in tandem to achieve retinal resolution on our product roadmap”.

Meta: ‘Our Goal’ Is Automated Room Scanning For Full-Fledged Mixed Reality

Meta says its “goal” is to deliver automated room scanning for mixed reality.

Currently, Quest users have to manually mark out walls and furniture.

Road to VR’s 2022 Game of the Year Awards

Virtual reality opens a portal to every conceivable dimension, whether it be far-flung space stations, medieval dungeons, or fantastical realms translated directly from the minds of this generation’s most talented artists. We were transported from our living rooms, home offices, dorm rooms—anywhere you could unplug a piece of physical reality to make way for the […]

VR Industry Luminary John Carmack Quits Meta, Calling it “the end of my decade in VR”

John Carmack, legendary programmer and key player in the Oculus gensis story, announced he’s left Meta, writing in a memo to employees that he “wearied of the fight” of trying to push for change at the highest levels of the company. Carmack has never been one to mince words. Outside of bringing industry expertise to […]

HTC’s VR/AR Headset Will Be Revealed At CES 2023

The mixed reality device will supposedly feature a lightweight design as well as support for hand-tracking. This week it was announced that HTC will be unveiling a new consumer-friendly VR headset next month during CES 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. First reported by The Verge, the all-in-one VR device is apparently being positioned as a […]

The post HTC’s VR/AR Headset Will Be Revealed At CES 2023 appeared first on VRScout.

This Odd Looking Ford Ranger Is One Of The Rarest Trucks Ever Made

The Ford Ranger Skyranger was a strange truck produced in the 1990s. It included a soft top convertible roof and many other quirky features.

The Apple Silicon Mac Pro May Not Be As Extreme As Expected

The company was originally supposed to launch the M1 Extreme processor with an updated Mac Pro, effectively putting an end to the era of Intel-powered Macs.

Here’s How To Find The Android 13 Hidden Easter Egg

Google has broadened its animal horizons — the Android 13 Easter egg reps 14 different critters, symbols and themes.

Today’s Wordle Answer #547 – December 18, 2022 Solution And Hints

Struggling with the answer for the December 18, 2022, Wordle Puzzle? We’ve got the answer right here and you might find it quite illuminating.