Virtual reality (VR) is still a daunting task for most in the tech industry. Although extended reality (XR) technologies are developing at a much faster pace, many people still see them as a tool for entertainment. The future of remote work, however, has changed significantly after introducing VR. The reality, pun intended, is that immersive […]
Google Tests Text Search for Segments in YouTube Clips
A new SEO consideration for your video clips?
Twitter Switches Brand Profile Avatars to Squares to Counter Impersonation
Time to update you Twitter avatars on your brand profiles.
Meta Will Continue to Invest Big in the Metaverse in 2023, According to CTO
Despite questions over its Metaverse focus, Meta is determined to stay the course on its next-level features.
Twitter Provides New Ad Placement Controls to Reassure Ad Partners
The new controls will help to ensure their ads don’t appear alongside offensive tweets.
VR Set To Enter New Phase After A Decade Of Carmack
John Carmack’s departure from Meta marks the end of an era and start of another.
Virtual Desktop Reverts Internet Requirement Following Backlash
Virtual Desktop no longer requires an internet connection each session following backlash from customers.
Meta: Retinal Resolution Is ‘On Our Product Roadmap’
Meta says it’s “developing high-density displays and high-resolution optical systems in tandem to achieve retinal resolution on our product roadmap”.
Meta: ‘Our Goal’ Is Automated Room Scanning For Full-Fledged Mixed Reality
Meta says its “goal” is to deliver automated room scanning for mixed reality.
Currently, Quest users have to manually mark out walls and furniture.
Road to VR’s 2022 Game of the Year Awards

Virtual reality opens a portal to every conceivable dimension, whether it be far-flung space stations, medieval dungeons, or fantastical realms translated directly from the minds of this generation’s most talented artists. We were transported from our living rooms, home offices, dorm rooms—anywhere you could unplug a piece of physical reality to make way for the […]