Meta Quest 3 Launches ‘Later Next Year’

The “next generation consumer Quest” launches “later next year”, Meta’s CFO told investors.

Earlier this month Mark Zuckerberg said Quest 3 will be priced around $300-$500.

Top 6 Proven Strategies To Boost Your Employee Experience

In this day and age, companies can’t just get by with basic offers like health insurance and PTO. They must go the extra mile to deploy employee experience strategies that will ultimately foster a more engaged, happier, and productive workforce.  Essentially, employee experience is the combination of all the interactions workers have with your company. […]

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Quest Pro Review – Impressive Hardware With a Value Proposition That’s Kind of a Mess

Quest Pro is here and brings with it some welcomed hardware improvements but a dubious value proposition that’s highly dependent on someone else making the right apps. There’s two ways to look at Quest Pro: A better and more expensive Quest 2 A headset with new features that wants to transform the way you work […]

Steam Halloween Sale: 10 Horrifying Deals on PC VR Games This Week

Steam is looking to knock the cobwebs from your wallet this week by offering up some very spooky savings on PC VR games. Here’s a look at our favorite games currently on sale that are sure to give you a fright this Halloween. Steam’s Scream Fest takes place from now until November 1st. You’ll find […]

Meta Confirms Next-gen Consumer Quest Headset Planned for 2023

Meta quietly confirmed that its next consumer-focused Quest headset (likely called Quest 3) will launch in 2023. While it was a bit more than a year between the launch of the first Quest and Quest 2, it’s now been more than two years since the launch of Quest 2 and Meta has yet to formally […]

Meta Reality Labs Latest Revenue & Operating Cost Figures Aren’t Going to Make Investors Happy

In Meta’s most recent quarterly earnings call the company shared the latest revenue figures of Reality Labs, the company’s XR division. In the third quarter of the year the division hit new milestones… unfortunately not the kind investors like to see. Meta has been clear about its plan to spend aggressively on its XR initiatives […]

Space Delivery Arriving Tonight as Crew Scans Eyes and Veins

A Roscosmos space freighter is due to arrive at the International Space Station tonight and replenish the Expedition 68 crew. While they wait for the space delivery, the orbital residents stayed busy throughout Thursday working on more eye and vein scans, a plant habitat, and a spacesuit. At 10:49 p.m. EDT tonight, two cosmonauts will …

Ozzy Osbourne to Join Metaverse Music Festival

Rock legend Ozzy Osbourne is set to perform at a key metaverse festival along with some of the world’s biggest artists, it was revealed last week. In a tweet, top metaverse platform Decentraland announced it would open the Metaverse Music Festival 2022, a novel platform hosting over 100 artists, including the Godfather of Heavy Metal, […]

HaptX Opens Preorders for Enterprise Haptic Gloves

HaptX opened on Tuesday preorders of its Gloves G1, an enterprise-grade haptic device for $4,500 per pair – a decrease in cost compared to previous models. The firm plans to ship the G2 product in Q3 2023. Jake Rubin, Founder and CEO of HaptX, believes that haptics are the cornerstone of next-generation human-machine interface (HMI) […]

Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Spatial Audio in 2022

Demand for immersive interactions is on the rise. Everything from the increase of remote and hybrid work, to growing interest in the “Metaverse” has prompted rapid adoption of powerful new experiences in “Extended Reality”. However, the more companies explore the XR environment, the more they discover new demands for tools which help to embed users […]