Meta’s announced a range of new updates for groups, including, as you might expect, Reels.
Snapchat Announces New Features for Snapchat+, Including Custom Story Expiry Options
Snapchat+ already has over a million paying subscribers.
Pico 4 Enterprise Specs vs Quest Pro vs Vive Focus 3: Business HMDs Compared
Pico 4 Enterprise is priced significantly lower than its competitors, but does it match up?
Here’s a full spec sheet comparing it to Vive Focus 3 and Quest Pro:
Horizon Workrooms Gets Triple Screen Personal Office, Sticky Notes, & More
Horizon Workrooms now gives you a solo Personal Office with 3 displays from your PC.
With a Mac the extra 2 can be entirely virtual, and on Windows too “soon”.
Crisis Brigade 2 Reloaded Review – Uncompromising Arcade Shooter Remains A Blast On Quest 2
Crisis Brigade 2: Reloaded is available now on the official Quest Store, but how does the Time Crisis-inspired shooter hold up?
Here’s our full review.
Pico 4 Enterprise Has Eye Tracking & Face Tracking For €900
The Pico 4 Pro sold in China is launching to western businesses as Pico 4 Enterprise for €900.
It adds eye tracking and face tracking, but won’t be sold to consumers.
Household Tasks, Human Research on Station Before Cargo Missions Ends
Household maintenance tasks were the main objective aboard the International Space Station on Thursday as the Expedition 68 crew members configured crew quarters and serviced the orbiting lab’s toilet. The station residents also had time during the day for human research activities, robotics training, and upcoming cargo mission preparations. NASA Flight Engineers Frank Rubio and …
Brain Studies on Station Help Astronauts Adjust to Space and Earth
A pair of brain studies were on the research schedule aboard the International Space Station today to learn how the central nervous system adapts to weightlessness. The Expedition 68 crew also worked on variety of household tasks throughout Wednesday including orbital plumbing and electronics system repairs. NASA Flight Engineers Nicole Mann and Josh Cassada worked …
ARWall, Soapbox Films Debut XR Virtual Production Tool
Los Angeles-based production studio Soapbox Films successfully installed a new virtual backdrop on Tuesday that displays real-time 3D (RT3D) in-camera visualisations, enabling the studio to host extended reality (XR) film productions. Virtual production backdrops work like a greenscreen set-up, but the 30 x 12-foot LED panel enables a film production crew to render an RT3D […]
6 Insightful Construction XR Cases to Read in 2022
It’s fair to say the construction (AEC) industry represents perhaps one of the most significant markets for XR technology. Every aspect of extended reality has a unique part to play in AEC operations. While virtual reality allows for the development of virtual blueprints and project plans, augmented and mixed reality improve access to content on-site, […]