Musk’s Twitter Offer Still Being Questioned as Equity Partners Look to Exit the Deal

We may not be done with the Elon Musk/Twitter drama just yet.

Twitter’s Testing a New Option to Restrict Who Can Mention You in the App

The options would add to Twitter’s growing list of experience control tools.

Snap Launches New AR Guide to Administering CPR for World Restart a Heart Day

According to research, fewer than 20% of people administer first aid in cases of cardiac arrest.

Facebook’s Developing a New Option to Invite a Co-Author for Your Reels Clips

The option would provide another way to tap into Facebook Reels for marketing.

Here’s The Exact Performance Benefit Of Foveated Rendering On Quest Pro

Quest Pro supports foveated rendering. Read here exactly how much it benefits performance:

Some Pico 4 Pre-Order Deliveries Delayed Due To ‘Unprecedented’ Demand

Some Pico 4 pre-order deliveries will be delayed due to ‘unprecedented’ demand.

Apple’s Headset Reportedly Has Iris Scanning And Leg Tracking

Apple’s upcoming headset reportedly tracks your legs and has Iris Scanning for unlocking & payments.

Iron Man VR Breaks Free From Cords & Load Screens On Quest 2

Iron Man VR on Quest 2 ditches the loading screens and cords, resulting in a more freeing experience.

Read our full hands-on preview here:

Meta’s Next-gen Avatar Presentation Was Too Good to Be True… For Now at Least

This week Meta showed off a preview of its next-gen avatars during the Connect keynote. Frankly, they looked great! However, there’s… less than meets the eye here. When Mark Zuckerberg appeared in Horizon during the Connect 2022 keynote sporting a next-gen Meta avatar with complete body tracking I was frankly blown away. Compared to the existing […]

YouTube is (finally) Coming to Horizon Home Making it Easier to Watch with Friends

Meta announced that Quest users will soon be able to watch YouTube content inside Horizon Home, the first-party social VR space that’s finally making it easy to hang out in VR with friends. Meta is slowly… painfully slowly… building out the core social features of its Quest series of headsets that first launched all the […]