Around the world, countless companies and groups are already reaping the benefits of extended reality technology. We’ve discovered how valuable the right XR tools can be in collaboration and communication, and how they can help innovators to build new products and ideas. One of the areas where XR is seeing the most significant and rapid […]
Instagram Shares Updated Parents’ Guide in Line with the Return to School
The guide provides a full overview of Instagram’s various safety features.
Rec Room’s New Unity-powered Creation Suite Brings Industry Standard Tools to Social VR Platform

Social VR platform Rec Room announced it’s released a new creation suite that allows you to publish content directly to the Rec Room platform from inside Unity, essentially letting its users create content using a host of industry standard tools. The company says in a blog post its so-called ‘Rec Room Studio’ integration is designed to “complement […]
New Trio Getting to Work Before Next Crew Goes Home This Week
The orbiting lab’s three newest residents are beginning their science and maintenance tasks after several days of International Space Station orientation and familiarization activities. In the meantime, three Expedition 67 crew members are less than a week away from ending their mission and returning to Earth after living and working in space for six months. …
Affected: The Manor Sequel Confirmed ‘For All Major Platforms’ In 2023
Affected: The Manor is getting a follow-up — The Asylum — coming in 2023.
VR Sculptor Built Full-Size T-Rex He’s Bringing Into The Real World
A full-size T-Rex made in VR and 3D printed into the real world? “Why not?” says its creator.
Instagram Confirms that Videos Under 60 Seconds in Stories will No Longer Be Split into Segments
Instagram continues to merge its video options.
TikTok Expands Multi-Participant Live-Streams to More Users
More people can now add more people to their TikTok live broadcasts.
TikTok Announces a Huge Increase to its Video Descriptions as it Leans into Discovery
TikTok is fast becoming a key home for discovery, which it’s now looking to capitalize on.