Biomedical Research in Space Today Benefits Astronauts and Earthlings
Snapchat Launches New Localized Lens Promotion for ‘House of the Dragon’
The new campaign for ‘House of the Dragon’ utilizes Lens creators in different regions.
Twitter’s Developing a New ‘Reply Filter’ Option to Give Users More Control Over Their Tweet Experience
Another way to limit potentially offensive tweet replies, which could help to improve the overall Twitter experience.
TikTok Provides New Tips on the Value of its ‘Instant Page’ Ad Display Option
Instant Page enables brands to set-up a lightweight display within TikTok itself, reducing load times and improving responsiveness.
Zuckerberg Defends Metaverse Development After Online Backlash
Meta’s metaverse looks bad now, but will early critiques end up limiting the potential of the technology?
Deisim Moving From App Lab To Quest Store On September 1
The metaverse enters the Gartner hype cycle (but with a 10+ years outlook)
Ten days ago, the business analysts at Gartner released their “Hype Cycle” for 2022, and inside there are references to some of the technologies that we in the immersive community care about, in particular the metaverse. Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies A small primer in case you don’t know what is the Gartner Hype […]
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New Logitech VR Accessory Aims to Bring One of Index’s Best Features to Quest 2