Varjo combo hands-on: XR-3, Reality Cloud, and a tiny bit of Galea!

At AWE 2022, I have been able to try a few products by Varjo, the Finnish company that offers XR

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Don’t Ignore Social Commerce

When 2022 began and the world was optimistic for a post-pandemic era, trend spotters predicted (despite the opening of brick-and-mortar stores) that e-commerce would continue to grow.   According to a recent industry report, e-commerce will account for 20.4% of global retail sales by the end of 2022, up from 10% only five years ago.   The […]

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HoloLens Chief Alex Kipman to Leave Microsoft Amid Misconduct Allegations

Alex Kipman is leaving Microsoft amid what an Insider report alleges to have stemmed from misconduct allegations leveled at the HoloLens co-creator. The report maintains that Microsoft Cloud head Scott Guthrie is planning a reorganization of the departments, as Kipman is set to leave the company in the next two months as a part of transition […]

The post HoloLens Chief Alex Kipman to Leave Microsoft Amid Misconduct Allegations appeared first on Road to VR.

Magic Leap Commits to OpenXR & WebXR Support Later This Year on ML2

In an ongoing shift away from a somewhat proprietary development environment on its first headset, Magic Leap has committed to bringing OpenXR support to its Magic Leap 2 headset later this year. Although Magic Leap 2 is clearly the successor to Magic Leap 1, the goal of the headsets are quite different. With the first […]

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Hands-on: Lumus Prototype AR Glasses Are Smaller & Better Than Ever

Lumus’ latest waveguide, dubbed Maximus, is now even more compact thanks to 2D image expansion. With impressive image quality and a more compact optical engine, the company is poised to have a leading display solution for truly glasses-sized AR headsets. Lumus has been touting its Maximus waveguide since as far back as 2017, but since […]

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Daylong Robotics as Crew Tests Advanced Attire aboard Station

Wednesday saw daylong automated robotics activities as the crew tested advanced attire while working aboard the International Space Station. The Expedition 67 crew also ensured communications and life support systems continued operating in tip-top shape today. The Kibo laboratory module from the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is the site of a pair of robotics …

Crew Checks Station Sound Levels, Tests Radiation Protection Vest

A variety of research operations were on the schedule for the Expedition 67 crew today including hearing checks, radiation protection, and space botany. The four astronauts and three cosmonauts also focused on cargo operations and International Space Station maintenance throughout the day. NASA and SpaceX now are targeting no earlier than June 28 for the …

CareAR Reveals Key Partnerships at AWE 2022

At last week’s Augmented World Expo (AWE) 2022, CareAR announced a strategic partnership with IT consultant company Infosys to enhance its augmented, virtual, and mixed reality (AR/VR/MR) customer experience (CX) and collaboration solutions. CareAR had a great time at AWE yesterday hosting a speaking session and a coffee break and enjoying being live at events! […]

Web3 Veteran Tony Parisi Joins ME Ventures

One of the world’s top experts on the Metaverse and virtual reality (VR) has recently joined investment fund Music Entrepreneur (ME) Ventures as one of its advisors and limited partners, it was announced on Monday. Tony Parisi, a world-renowned investor, inventor, businessman, and author, will serve as an advisor for the fund’s strategy as it […]

No Code WebAR Toolset Showcased at AWE 2022

Last Wednesday, KP9 Interactive announced a partnership with NuEyes to launch a no-code content creation toolset designed for augmented reality (AR) developers seeking to distribute immersive services for smart glasses. GeoCAST WebAR on NuEyes Pro 3e @NuEyesTech @WorldCAST_AR Find us at #AWE2022 to try for yourself. via @YouTube — April Robinson ?? ??#AWE2022 (@ar_augmentmrktr) […]