The new options will make it easier to find specific segments in video clips – but could they also reduce watch time?
Instagram’s Testing a New Stories UI Which Could Have Big Implications for Your Content Strategy
The test limits the amount of Stories frames that a user can see without manually tapping for more.
Twitter Launches New Promotional Campaign for Spaces and Live Audio Chats
Will Spaces become a key element of the tweet experience?
Meta Shares New Insights into the Coming Metaverse Shift, and What Exactly Needs to Happen to Facilitate it
What will the metaverse shift actually mean for business, and how will it evolve? New insights from Meta.
Beat Saber Gets A New 3D Level Editor On PC
SideQuest Turns 3: New Features & 2.2 Million Monthly Active Users
Quest Is Getting Another Table Tennis Game
Yes, another one.
Three Ways (and Tools) to Improve The User Experience of Your Content
Content is a key element of just about any page. No wonder it can make or break the user experience your site provides. Have you ever thought about your content strategy in the context of user experience? Is your content user-friendly and accessible? Here are three ways (and three tools) to improve the user experience […]
The post Three Ways (and Tools) to Improve The User Experience of Your Content appeared first on Content Marketing Consulting and Social Media Strategy.
Sense Arena Secures $3M to Expand Ice Hockey VR Training Tools, Add New Sports

The post Sense Arena Secures $3M to Expand Ice Hockey VR Training Tools, Add New Sports appeared first on Road to VR.