TGS IN VR!, Devolver’s Next VR Game & Puzzling Places Review – VR Gamescast

Former PSVR Exclusive Table Of Tales Hits PC VR This Month

Tabletop strategy game, Table of Tales, is no longer a PSVR exclusive – it comes to PC this month.

6 Things You Must Do To Offer Frictionless Free Trials

How to create a content marketing strategy your customers will love, in seven steps.

The post 6 Things You Must Do To Offer Frictionless Free Trials appeared first on Content Marketing Consulting and Social Media Strategy.

Google’s VR Studio Reveals Bright & Bubbly Game Coming to Quest & PC VR in 2022

Google’s Owlchemy Labs, the VR studio behind Job Simulator (2016), just revealed a totally new game called Cosmonious High. It’s heading to PC VR and Oculus Quest next year. First revealed today, Cosmonious High launches you into an alien high school where you unlock powers in order to fix up the place post-disaster, and meet a quirky cast of characters who […]

The post Google’s VR Studio Reveals Bright & Bubbly Game Coming to Quest & PC VR in 2022 appeared first on Road to VR.

Cosmonauts Get Ready for Friday Spacewalk, New Science Kicks Off

Two cosmonauts will exit the International Space Station on Friday to begin powering up the new Russian science module. While they prepare today for the excursion, the rest of the Expedition 65 crew focused on new science experiments and reviewed an upcoming U.S. spacewalk. Russia’s Nauka multipurpose laboratory module, attached to the station since July …

TikTok Shares New Creative Peformance Insights to Help Marketers Improve their Strategic Approach

The data-backed tips provide more guidance for your TikTok marketing approach.

Facebook Adds New Fantasy Games Element to Tap into the Rising Popularity of Fantasy Sports

The option will provide more engagement potential for The Social Network, tapping into the rising popularity of fantasy sports.

Facebook Tests New Ad Automation Flows to Help Maximize Campaign Performance

Facebook’s new ‘Ad Strategies’ option aims to help guide small business advertisers through the ad creation and targeting process.

Twitter Launches New ‘Safety Mode’ to Help Alleviate Mental Stress Associated with Tweet Pile-Ons

The option will provide a way for users to back out of conversations that are causing them mental stress.

New VR Games – September 2021